Rule/Notice/NOFO:  FRA NPRM on Safety Glazing Standards for Exterior Windows on Railroad Equipment

Published:  April 18, 2022

Comment Period Ends/Due Date:  June 17, 2022

Federal Register/Notice: Federal Register :: Safety Glazing Standards; Codifying Existing Waivers and Adding Test Flexibility

Summary: FRA proposes to codify existing waivers related to Part 223 safety glazing standards for exterior windows, add a new testing option, and update section headings. The waivers under Part 223 FRA granted waivers on a case-by-case basis for older railroad equipment. This proposal would eliminate the need to use the waiver process for relief.

APTA Comments/Position and Summaries:  APTA Letter on Glazing NPRM (06.13.2022)

APTA Staff Advisor/Committee: Narayana Sundaram/Passenger Rail Equipment Safety Standards Policy and Planning Committee

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