Rule/Notice/NOFO: FTA, Public Transportation Safety Certification Training Program

Federal Register/Notice:

Type of Requirement:  NPRM

Description:  FTA proposes changes to requirements for the Public Transportation Safety Certification Training Program (PTSCTP). The Bipartisan Infrastructure Law, enacted as the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act, established new requirements for FTA’s PTSCTP requirements. The proposed revisions would streamline the PTSCTP communication process and clarify voluntary PTSCTP participation and refresher training requirements.

How is it enforced by FTA, DOT, Direct grant requirement, triennial review or other?  FTA enforces this program through its triennial review program..

Is there a cost or time impact to grantees (best estimate):  TBD

APTA Comment/Letter: Completed Comments

APTA Staff Advisor: Brian Alberts,

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