Rule/Notice/NOFO: FTA, Notice of Availability of Programmatic Assessment of Greenhouse Gas Emissions from Transit Projects

Federal Register/Notice:

Type of Requirement:  Request for Comments

Description:  The Programmatic Assessment of Greenhouse Gas Emissions from Transit Projects (Programmatic Assessment) is a NEPA streamlining tool that creates greater efficiency by: (1) reporting on whether certain types of proposed transit projects merit detailed analysis of their GHG emissions at the project-level; and (2) providing a source of data and analysis for FTA and its project sponsors to reference in future environmental documents for projects where detailed, project-level GHG analysis would provide only limited information beyond what is collected and considered in the Programmatic Assessment. The Programmatic Assessment is intended to update and supersede FTA’s January 2017 Programmatic Assessment of Greenhouse Gas Emissions from Transit Projects (82 FR 5636).

How is it enforced by FTA, DOT, Direct grant requirement, triennial review or other?  FTA enforces its requirements through its triennial review program.

Is there a cost or time impact to grantees (best estimate):  TBD

APTA Comment/Letter: TBD

APTA Staff Advisor:  Art Guzzetti:

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