Rule/Notice/NOFO: NTSB, Railroad, Pipeline, and Hazardous Materials Investigations

Federal Register/Notice:

Type of Requirement: NPRM

Description:  FRA proposes to require railroads to develop programs for certifying individuals who perform dispatching tasks on their networks. Under this proposed rule, railroads would be required to have formal processes for training prospective dispatchers, as well as verifying that each dispatcher has the requisite knowledge, skills, safety record, and abilities to safely perform all of the safety-related dispatcher duties mandated by Federal laws and regulations, prior to certification. In addition, railroads would be required to have formal processes for revoking certification (either temporarily or permanently) for dispatchers who violate specified minimum requirements.

How is it enforced by FTA, DOT, Direct grant requirement, triennial review or other?  FRA enforces its requirements through its inspection program.

Is there a cost or time impact to grantees (best estimate):  TBD

APTA Comment/Letter: Completed comments

APTA Staff Advisor:  Marie Benton,

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