U.S. Department of Transportation
U.S. DOT NOFO Schedule for 2024 (08.27.2024)

FTA Tribal Transit Grant NOFO (08.15.2024)

FTA Pilot Program for Transit-Oriented Development Planning Grant NOFO (05.23.2024)

U.S. DOT SMART Stage 1 Grant NOFO (05.13.2024)

U.S. DOT Safe Streets and Roads for All (SS4A) Grant NOFO (02.20.2024)

U.S. DOT SMART Stage 1 Grant NOFO (08.08.2023)

U.S. DOT Reconnecting Communities and Neighborhoods Program NOFO (07.05.2022)

U.S. DOT Multimodal Project Discretionary Grant NOFO (06.23.2023)

U.S. DOT Rural and Tribal Assistance Pilot Program NOFO (06.15.2023)

U.S. DOT Rural and Tribal Assistance Pilot Program NOFO Correction (06.27.2023)

U.S. DOT Safe Streets and Roads for All (SS4A) Grant NOFO (04.12.2023)

U.S. DOT NOFO Schedule for 2023 (05.04.2023)

U.S. DOT RAISE Grant NOFO (02.03.2023)

U.S. DOT Navigator

U.S. DOT Cooperative Agreements with Technical Assistance Providers for the Thriving Communities Grant NOFO (10.19.2022)

U.S. DOT Thriving Communities Program NOFO (10.06.2022)

U.S. DOT Reconnecting Communities Pilot Discretionary Grant Program (09.30.2022)

U.S. DOT SMART Grant NOFO (09.23.2022)

U.S. DOT Safe Streets and Roads For All (SS4A) Grant NOFO Grant Amendment (08.01.2022)

U.S. DOT University Transportation Centers Program Grant NOFO (05.25.2022)

U.S. DOT Safe Streets and Roads for All (SS4A) Grant NOFO (05.24.2022)

U.S. DOT Multimodal Project Competitive Grant NOFO (03.25.2022)

U.S. DOT RAISE Grant NOFO (03.22.2022)

U.S. DOT RAISE Grant NOFO Amendment Summary (03.22.2022)

Federal Transit Administration (FTA)
FTA Passenger Ferry Grant Program and Ferry Service for Rural Communities Program NOFO (04.17.2024)

FTA-DOE National Renewable Energy Laboratory Clean Bus Planning Awards (02.20.2024)

FTA Low-No and Bus Competitive Grant NOFO (02.08.2024)

FTA All Stations Accessibility Program NOFO (11.30.2023)

FTA Pilot Program for Innovative Coordinated Access and Mobility Grant NOFO (11.15.2023)

FTA FY 2022 and 2023 Accelerating Advanced Digital Construction Management Systems Competitive Program Grant NOFO (10.13.2023)

FTA Rail Vehicle Replacement Competitive Program Grant NOFO (10.10.2023)

FTA Pilot Program for Transit-Oriented Development Planning Grant NOFO (08.08.2023)

FTA Passenger Ferry Grant Program and Ferry Service for Rural Communities Program NOFO (05.18.2023)

FTA Tribal Transit Grant NOFO (03.28.2023)

FTA Low-No and Bus Competitive Grant NOFO (01.27.2023)

FTA Areas of Persistent Poverty Program NOFO (01.09.2023)

FTA Rail Vehicle Replacement Program Grant NOFO (10.12.2022)

FTA ADAS and Automated Transit Bus Demonstration Grant NOFO (09.22.2022)

FTA All Stations Accessibility Program NOFO (07.27.2022)

FTA Passenger Ferry Grant Program, Electric or Low-Emitting Ferry Pilot Program, and Ferry Service for Rural Communities Program NOFO (07.11.2022)

FTA Pilot Program for Transit-Oriented Development Planning Grant NOFO (05.26.2022)

FTA Low-No and Bus Competitive Grant NOFO (03.04.2022)

FTA Tribal Transit Grant NOFO (02.16.2022)

Federal Railroad Administration (FRA)
FRA FY 2021–2024 Restoration and Enhancement Grant Program NOFO (07.15.2024)

FRA Railroad Crossing Elimination Program NOFO (07.10.2024)

FRA Federal-State Partnership for Intercity Passenger Rail Program NOFO (05.15.2024)

FRA Consolidated Rail Infrastructure and Safety Improvements Program NOFO (03.29.2024)

FRA Federal-State Partnership for Intercity Passenger Rail Program NOFO Extension (02.03.2023)

FRA Federal-State Partnership Northeast Corridor Intercity Passenger Rail Program NOFO (12.27.2022)

FRA Corridor Identification and Development Program NOFO Extension (02.07.2023)

FRA Corridor Identification and Development Program Solicitation Notice of Corridor Proposals and NOFO (12.20.2022)

FRA Federal-State Partnership for Intercity Passenger Rail Program NOFO (12.07.2022)

FRA Notice of Extension for Railroad Crossing Elimination Grant Program NOFO (09.22.2022)

FRA Consolidated Rail Infrastructure and Safety Improvements Program NOFO (09.02.2022)

FRA Railroad Crossing Elimination Program NOFO (07.06.2022)

FRA IIJA Passenger Rail Corridor Program Request for Expressions of Interest (05.13.2022)

Maritime Administration (MARAD)
MARAD America’s Marine Highway Grant NOFO (04.26.2022)

Federal Highway Administration (FHWA)
FHWA Active Transportation Infrastructure Investment Program NOFO (04.24.2024)

FHWA Transportation Access Pilot Program Letter of Interest Form (04.15.2024)

FHWA Federal Share Flexibility Pilot Program NOFO (01.29.2024)

FHWA Promoting Resilient Operations for Transformative, Efficient, and Cost Saving Transportation (PROTECT) Grant NOFO (04.21.2023)

FHWA National Culvert Removal, Replacement, and Restoration Grant NOFO (12.21.2022)