Senate Committee on Appropriations Releases Transportation Appropriations Bill
Today (July 28), the Senate Committee on Appropriations released its [...]
Urge Congress to Fully Fund Bipartisan Infrastructure Law
Urge Your Members of Congress to Support Fully Funding [...]
Urge Congress to Fully Fund Public Transportation
Urge Congress to Fully Fund IIJA’s Public Transit and Passenger [...]
APTA Files Buy America Comments and FEMA Issues Grant Opportunity
APTA Files Buy America Comments and FEMA Issues Notice of [...]
APTA’s 2022 Legislative Advocacy Initiatives
This Legislative Update outlines APTA’s legislative advocacy initiatives in 2022. [...]
Biden Administration Office of Management and Budget Issues Buy America Guidance
Today (April 18, 2022), the Office of Management and Budget [...]
Urge Congress to Support Bipartisan COVID Bill
Urge Your Members of Congress to Support H.R. 4373, [...]
President Biden Releases Fiscal Year 2023 Budget Request
Today (March 28), President Joseph Biden released his fiscal year [...]
House and Senate Appropriations Committee Leaders Unveil Bipartisan Consolidated Appropriations Act, including Transportation (THUD) Appropriations Act
Today, House and Senate Appropriations Committee Leaders unveiled H.R. 2471, [...]
FTA Provides Almost $5 Billion of Public Transit Formula Funds
FTA Provides Almost $5 Billion of Public Transit Formula Funds [...]
House Passes Public Transit Provisions as part of National Defense Authorization Act
On December 7, 2021, the U.S House of Representatives [...]
Thank Your Members of Congress for Supporting the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law
On Monday (November 15), President Joe Biden signed the [...]
Urge Your Members of Congress and White House to Support Public Transportation
Yesterday, President Biden unveiled a revised Build Back Better [...]
Senate Releases Transportation (THUD) Appropriation Bills
Yesterday, Senate Committee on Appropriations Chairman Patrick J. Leahy (D-VT) [...]
Urge Congress and White House to Support Public Transportation Investment
After a 15-hour markup, on early Wednesday morning, the House [...]
Support Public Transit Investments in the Build Back Better Act
Last week, a broad coalition of 45 transportation industry [...]
Urge White House and Congress to Provide Additional Transit and High-Speed Rail Funding
Yesterday, a broad coalition of 45 industry partners, led by [...]
Senate Passes the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act
The Senate has passed the “Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act” [...]
Senate Debates the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act
The Senate has begun debate of the “Infrastructure Investment [...]
Tell Your Senators to Provide Public Transit with At Least 20 Percent of Guaranteed Funding from the Highway Trust Fund
The Senate continues to negotiate on the Bipartisan Infrastructure [...]
Urge Your Senators to Provide Highest Possible Investment Levels for Public Transit and Passenger Rail in Bipartisan Infrastructure Bill
Today, Senate Majority Leader Charles E. Schumer (D-NY) announced that [...]
Urge Your Representatives to Support H.R. 3684, the INVEST in America Act
Next week, the U.S. House of Representatives will consider H.R. [...]
House Committee on Transportation and Infrastructure Introduces Surface Transportation Authorization Bill
Today (June 4), House Committee on Transportation and Infrastructure (T&I [...]
President Biden Releases Fiscal Year 2022 Budget Request
Today (May 28), President Joseph R. Biden, Jr. released his [...]
President Biden Releases FY 2022 Discretionary Budget Proposal
Today (April 9), President Joseph R. Biden, Jr. released his [...]