President Biden Releases “The American Jobs Plan”
Today (March 31) President Joseph R. Biden, Jr. released his [...]
President Biden to Unveil Infrastructure Plan, Budget This Week
The White House announced that President Joseph R. Biden, Jr. [...]
Senate Passes American Rescue Plan Act, Amended Bill Returns to House of Representatives
Today (March 6, 2021), the U.S. Senate passed an amended [...]
Urge Your Senators to Support H.R. 1319, the American Rescue Plan Act, and Provide $30.5 Billion of COVID-19 Emergency Funding for Public Transit
On February 27, 2021, the U.S. House of Representatives passed [...]
Urge Your Senators to Support H.R. 1319, the American Rescue Plan Act, and Provide $30.5 Billion of COVID-19 Emergency Funding for Public Transit
This week, the U.S. House of Representatives is expected to [...]
Urge Congress to Support $30 Billion of COVID-19 Emergency Funding for Public Transit included in the Budget Reconciliation Bill
On February 10, the House Committee on Transportation and Infrastructure [...]
Urge Members of the House Transportation and Infrastructure Committee to Support $30 Billion of COVID-19 Emergency Funding for Public Transit in Budget Reconciliation Title
Tomorrow (February 10, at 11:00 a.m. EST), the House Committee [...]
Urge Members of the House Transportation and Infrastructure Committee to Support $30 Billion of COVID-19 Emergency Funding for Public Transit in Budget Reconciliation Title
Today (February 8), the House Committee on Transportation and Infrastructure [...]
Urge Congress to Provide $39.3 Billion of COVID-19 Emergency Transit Funding
As Congress works on what could be the final [...]
Congress Advances COVID-19 Emergency Transit Funds and Transportation Appropriations Act
Earlier today, Congressional leaders released H.R. 133, the “Consolidated Appropriations [...]
Bipartisan Group Unveils Emergency Coronavirus Relief Bill
Last night, a bipartisan, bicameral group of Senators and Representatives [...]
Urge Congress to Take Immediate Action on Additional COVID-19 Emergency Transit Funding
Earlier this week, a bipartisan, bicameral group of Senators and [...]
President-Elect Biden Selects Department of Transportation Review Team
On November 10, President-Elect Biden announced his agency review teams [...]
Negotiations Continue on Additional COVID-19 Emergency Funding
Negotiations continue between Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) [...]
House Passes Revised Heroes Act (including $32 Billion of COVID-19 Transit Funding); Congress Enacts Continuing Resolution and Surface Transportation Authorization Extension Act
The Heroes Act Tonight (October 1), the U.S. House of [...]
House Democratic Leaders Unveil New Heroes Act That Provides $32 Billion of COVID-19 Emergency Transit Funding
Tonight (September 28), Democratic Leaders of the U.S. House of [...]
APTA Urges U.S. House of Representatives to Provide $32 Billion of COVID-19 Emergency Transit Funding
In a private meeting today, House Democratic Leaders indicated that [...]
House of Representatives Unveils Bill to Extend Transportation Appropriations and Surface Transportation Authorization Acts
Congress must enact an extension of the transportation appropriations by [...]
APTA Leads Coalition Effort Urging Congress to Provide $32 Billion of Additional COVID-19 Emergency Transit Funding and Extend Surface Transportation Law
Today (September 9), APTA, together with a total of 88 [...]
Urge Members of Congress to Support At Least $32 Billion of Additional COVID-19 Emergency Funding for Public Transit!
The Senate and House are beginning to negotiate a [...]
House Appropriations Releases THUD Bill
Today (July 7), the Subcommittee on Transportation, and Housing and [...]
H.R. 2 Manager’s Amendment Includes Important Changes: Focus: Mobility Innovation and Autonomous Vehicle Provisions
Over the last few weeks, APTA expressed serious concerns with [...]
H.R. 2, the INVEST in America Act Focus: Mobility Innovation and Autonomous Vehicle Provisions
On June 17-18, 2020, the House Committee on Transportation and [...]
APTA Strongly Urges Members to Support H.R. 2, the INVEST in America Act
On June 11, APTA Chair Nuria Fernandez and President and [...]
APTA Endorses the INVEST in America Act: Strongly Urges APTA Members to Send Letters of Endorsement of the Bill
On Thursday, June 11, APTA Chair Nuria Fernandez and President [...]