The Leadership APTA program is designed to develop the next generation of senior and executive leaders in the public transportation industry. Candidates for Leadership APTA need to show the promise and potential to be part of executive teams, the C-suite, and other senior leadership positions.


Leadership APTA is designed explicitly for APTA members working for public transportation systems, private sector businesses supplying goods or services to the public transit industry, or other organizations related to the industry. Only employees of APTA member organizations are eligible to apply.

Target Audience Profile

  • Candidates for Leadership APTA must have at least 10-15 years of significant work experience in the public or private sector, including at least three years or more of transit industry experience, plus a track record of demonstrated career progressions and successes.
  • Candidates need to be proven, experienced leaders and managers with the drive, dedication, and promise to join senior and executive leadership ranks.  Candidates may also come from other positions and demonstrate the potential to be a strong, effective, and visionary leader.
  • Candidates might be new general managers of small to mid-sized organizations, transit agency deputies and/or assistant general managers, or assistant general managers working for public transit services providers. They might be rising business and private sector program and senior project managers with a track record of recognized success and senior and executive leadership plans.
  • Candidates must be at a director-level or equivalent position or higher, and at a high enough level in your organization where they can speak with authority about the goals, priorities, and significant issues their organization is addressing.
  • Candidates applying for the Leadership APTA Class of 2025 are expected to become actively involved in APTA immediately upon graduation. They must have the drive and desire to serve on APTA committees and task forces in areas of interest and benefit to themselves and their organizations. They need to be willing to assume leadership roles in committees, working groups, and task forces.

Applicants per APTA Member Organization

APTA member organizations may submit only one candidate as your applicant for the Leadership APTA Class of 2025. Organizations submitting more than one applicant run the risk that all of their organization’s applicants are disqualified from consideration.

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